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Stories of Hope

Your partnership leads to amazing outcomes for children and families who would not otherwise have a place to turn for help.

Pendekatan berbasis bukti:


Therapy has helped Sienna identify and set boundaries and explore alternative ways to think about her situation. She realized what she could and couldn’t control and found peace in her family. Her adult children are seeking time together. She is so much happier. 

  • Psikoterapi

  • Terapi Trauma

  • CBT (Terapi Perilaku Kognitif)

  • PCIT (Terapi Interaksi Orang Tua Anak)

  • DBT (Terapi Perilaku Dialektis)

  • EMDR (Pemrosesan Ulang Desensitisasi Gerakan Mata)

Pendekatan berbasis bukti:

‘Di’ went through a significant break-up from a relationship during which she had disconnected with all her family and friends. Depressed, anxious and with no support, her lack of hope made Di feel death was the “only way out”. She had “little hope things could improve, but enough to try therapy”. 

Today, Di no longer has suicidal thoughts. She has rebuilt healthy relationships and reports having hope for the future.


Thank you for blessing Sienna, Di and so many others by giving to Catholic Charities. 

Pendekatan berbasis bukti:

He began weekly therapy and seeing psychiatrist, Dr. Abu Ata. Rain’s visits to the principal’s office ceased, and he is ready to move on to the next grade. Even better, Rain is self-empowered, enjoyed the rest of his school year and connected better with peers. 

  • Psikoterapi

  • Terapi Trauma

  • CBT (Terapi Perilaku Kognitif)

  • PCIT (Terapi Interaksi Orang Tua Anak)

  • DBT (Terapi Perilaku Dialektis)

  • EMDR (Pemrosesan Ulang Desensitisasi Gerakan Mata)

Pendekatan berbasis bukti:

‘Vincent’ experienced significant trauma throughout childhood and turned to drugs as a young adult to cope.  Twice in prison, he is now determined NOT go through that again. Vincent’s primary support person was on hospice, so his parole officer set him up with therapy.

Therapy has helped him talk through feelings as he continues to work through both the past trauma and his grief. Vincent is sober and working to maintain healthy relationships. Soon, he will be off federal probation.


Everyday, people like Rain and Vincent come to our doors needing help. Will you ensure they always find healing? 

Set up a monthly or quarterly recurring gift at whatever dollar amount you feel comfortable.

Pendekatan berbasis bukti:

She spent several hours with Norma, Welcome Case Manager, gradually opening up about her story. She felt safe and cared for at Catholic Charities. Healing will take time, but she now has supports in place so she can remain safe, begin counseling and access immigration services.

Young Businesswoman
  • Psikoterapi

  • Terapi Trauma

  • CBT (Terapi Perilaku Kognitif)

  • PCIT (Terapi Interaksi Orang Tua Anak)

  • DBT (Terapi Perilaku Dialektis)

  • EMDR (Pemrosesan Ulang Desensitisasi Gerakan Mata)

Pendekatan berbasis bukti:

‘Ariana’, a high school student was struggling with anxiety. She was experiencing stress related to her parents’ frequent arguments and peer relationships at school. 

Through therapy, Ariana learned to cope with stressors and recognize how to speak up for herself.  She was able to navigate her parents’ separation and divorce and navigate the stress of high school by focusing on her healthy peer relationships. She is heading to college in the fall with skills she can take into her future.

Reading in Bed

Mari and Ariana, like so many others who are hurting, need our compassionate care.

Give again to bless more children and families.

Learn about all our essential programs.

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(712) 252-4547

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Catholic Charities memberdayakan dan memperkuat semua individu dan keluarga, melalui layanan amal, advokasi dan kesehatan mental yang diilhami oleh cinta dan kasih sayang Kristus.

Misi kita

Visi kami

Melayani dan membantu menciptakan komunitas di mana semua orang aman, merasakan cinta dan merasakan harapan.

Skor Sempurna: 2019 Iowa Mental Health Bab 24 Tinjauan Lisensi Negara

Keterlibatan komunitas

Catholic Charities adalah anggota United Way yang bangga.

United Way_10_ PLUS CLUB.jpg


24/7 Emergency Contact Numbers

  • National Suicide & Crisis Line: Call or Text 988

  • Your Life Iowa: Call 855-581-8111 for information, resources, crisis support and referrals

© 2022 Badan Amal Katolik Keuskupan Kota Sioux |  Syarat Penggunaan  | Kebijakan pribadi

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