Adult Mental Health
Our primary focus is offering the best mental health care for those most in need. Our masters level, licensed therapists are here to help no matter your faith, background or income level. No one needing care will be turned away.
Consistently cited by government, insurance, and other accrediting institutions as exhibiting and adhering to best practices in the mental health industry.
Our primary focus is offering the best mental health care for those most in need. Our masters level, licensed therapists are here to help no matter your faith, background or income level. No one needing care will be turned away regardless of the ability to pay.
Consistently cited by government, insurance, and other accrediting institutions as exhibiting and adhering to best practices in the mental health industry.
We are
Here to Help:
Life can be difficult at times. Reaching out for help can be uncomfortable. Be assured of the confidential care of our services for all. No one is turned away. We are here to help you and your family find your inner strength and live a happier, healthier life.
Safe, private locations
In-person and telehealth services available
Day and evening appointments
Spanish speaking services, Sioux City
EAP provider
Medicare, IA/NE Medicaid, most insurances
Sliding-fee scale based on family size and income
Psychiatry services available
Serve all ages, faiths and backgrounds
Psychiatric services available with Dr. Nesrin Abu Ata, M.D.
Specialized services for trauma
Individual, Couples and Family Therapy Services For:
Grief & Loss
Substance Use Disorders
Sexual Abuse
Anger Management
Pornography Addiction
Physical Abuse
Relationship Issues
Parenting Struggles
Family Issues
Evidenced-based Approaches:
Trauma Therapy
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy)
PCIT (Parent Child Interactional Therapy)
DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy)
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing)
Our Locations
Main Office -
Sioux City
1601 Military Road,
Sioux City, IA 51103
(712) 252-4547
M, W, Th 8:00am-7:00pm,
T 8:00am-8:00pm,
F 8:30am -5:00pm