Here to offer a hand up.
Community Outreach
When you are in a crisis, it’s hard to see beyond to the next meal or this month’s rent. Catholic Charities is committed to helping individuals and families get through difficult times which often result in a lack of food, difficulties paying the rent or electricity bill, inability to pay for needed medication, or other basic needs not being met.
Our staff works with you to identify your needs and knows the relevant services that may help you and your family.
Safe, private, confidential
FREE to anyone who needs help

Here to support parents.
Parenting Classes
Whether you are a new parent or need help getting things back on track, Catholic Charities is here to teach you valuable skills, nurture your confidence & help build a more peaceful family environment through the tried and true Love and Logic® program.
• 6-week course
• For parents of children of all ages
• Taught by an experienced professional
Sioux City will offer a Spanish Class, Tuesdays Sept. 10, 2024 - Oct. 15, 2024, 5:30pm-7pm
Here for first responders.
Crisis Debriefings
Catholic Charities is part of the Iowa CIST (Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Team) network and here to help First Responders following traumatic events. You give selflessly to take care of others. It is our honor to offer this care to you.
• Safe, private and confidential
• Lead by trained, professional staff
• FREE of charge
• Also, FREE follow up for anyone who attends

Here along your grieving journey.
Suicide Support Group
If you have lost someone close to you by suicide, we are here to help you heal. Through this group, we will provide hope and support for moving forward in your journey through grief and loss. You'll find a caring, comfortable and confidential setting in which you can listen, share and connect with others to build an on-going support system.
Confidential conversations
Facilitated by trained, professional staff
FREE of charge
6-week series
Carroll - Tuesdays, Oct. 15 - Nov. 19, 2024
Sioux City (in English) - Tuesdays, Nov. 5 - Dec. 10, 2024, 5:30 to 7 pm
Sioux City (in Spanish) - Tuesdays, Nov. 5 - Dec. 10, 2024, 5:30 to 7 pm
Here for those grieving after an abortion.
Project Rachel
Our licensed, compassionate mental health professionals offer counseling services through Project Rachel, a ministry of the Catholic Church to care for anyone affected by abortion. It's never too late. You are not alone. Peace and hope are possible.
• Free therapy sessions
• For all faiths and backgrounds
• Supportive, professional, confidential care

Enriching the lives of our newest neighbors.
A partnership between The Diocese of Sioux City, Revathi Vongsiprasom, and Catholic Charities to help Iowa residents of all faiths with immigration and additional support services. The program is a Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) affiliate, meaning it is part of the largest nonprofit immigration law organization in the country.
High quality, immigration legal services provided by an accredited, licensed immigration attorney
As a CLINIC affiliate, our staff has access to specialized legal representation and training on best practices
Consultations to address individual immigration concerns and determine possible options
Assistance with preparation of needed immigration permits and documents
Connections to supportive community services
Contact Norma Garza-Ramirez for more information.
Our Locations
Main Office -
Sioux City
1601 Military Road,
Sioux City, IA 51103
(712) 252-4547
M, W, Th 8:00am-7:00pm,
T 8:00am-8:00pm,
F 8:30am -5:00pm